Pink Gums Farmstay Currency Creek

Address: 30 Cliffside Road, 5214 Currency Creek, Australia

Contact: Shelley Trebilcock

Contact: Kym Trebilcock

Phone: 0407 601 687 (Shelley)

Website: View website

Pink Gums Farmstay is a farmhouse that sleeps up to 10 people in 4 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms. Minimum stay is 2-4 nights. The farmhouse has a long link with the farmer's family. The property is bordered by Currency Creek which flows with crystal clear water from an all year round spring. There is a track to hike around and enjoy beautiful views of the inlets and creeks to the Lower Lakes associated with the River Murray. Pets are welcome but there are limitations which should be checked at the time of making your booking for this beautiful property.
