Explore and Enjoy
Natural beauty as far as the eye can see. With so many different ways to enjoy Goolwa, where would you like to start?
Heritage Locations
Armfield Slip, volunteer wooden boat restorers, 56 Riverside Drive, Goolwa
Canoe Trees, Currency Creek
Cemeteries (Search website [https://www.alexandrina.sa.gov.au/page.aspx?u=2208] for names of persons interred in Alexandrina Council region including:
- Currency Creek Cemetery, Mt Compass Road, Currency Creek
- Hindmarsh Island Cemetery, Randell Road, Hindmarsh Island
- Old Goolwa Cemetery, corner of Kessell Road and Houlden Road, Goolwa
Goolwa Barrages, Barrage Road, Goolwa
Goolwa History Room, Alexandrina Library, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa
Goolwa Visitor Information Centre, 1 Cutting Road, Goolwa (previously telegraph station, railway station, post office [longest operating post office in Australia until it moved in 20??])
Goolwa Museum History Centre, National Trust, Goolwa 11 Porter Street, Goolwa
Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club – first regatta yacht club in Australia, Barrage Road, Goolwa
Little Scotland State Heritage area - State Heritage Precinct
Paddle Steamer Oscar W, Goolwa Riverboat Centre, Goolwa Wharf
SA Heritage Register: Goolwa State Heritage Area - bow-fronted shop, railway goods shed, Corio Hotel, police station and courthouse, Australasian Hotel, Goolwa-Port Elliot railway horse stables, wharf complex, Railway Superintendant’s Cottage, Cockenzie House
SteamRanger Heritage Railway (1854 first public steel rail railway in Australia), Goolwa Railway Station – run by volunteers every day during school holidays; Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday at other times of the year (not always steam, especially on fire ban days)
Parks / Playgrounds

Photographic Locations
Mundoo Island – Photography Tours of the Coorong
Entry to Coorong National Park
Hindmarsh Island Bridge and Goolwa Wharf
Murray Mouth (viewed from Sugars Beach on Hindmarsh Island)
The Barrages, Goolwa
Currency Creek (from Lions Park)
Goolwa Beach, especially at sunset
Cockle (Pipi) Season at Goolwa Beach
Closed Season for Goolwa Beach: 1 June to 31 October (inclusive)
Closed areas:
Recreational fishing for Pipi cockles is prohibited on the Younghusband
Peninsula (Coorong Beach) between the Murray Mouth and 28 Mile Crossing.